The Cash Loren Show

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Sunday Apr 14, 2024

Greetings independent thinkers, truth seekers, conversationalists, the deplorable, and the extreme Maga republican
Biden's Newest foreign policy blunder is costing Israeli lives. And may drag us into World War 3. It wasn't that long ago we had world peace with Donald Trump. I'll take mean tweets over war. Iran defied Joe Bidens very strongly and whispered, "Don't," as he shuffled off to go find some ice cream. But what happens next? Could we be dragged into WW3?
The ultimate case of F*ck Around And Find Out played out when a protester threatened to murder city council members for not passing a cease fire resolution against our allies in Israel. Today on the Cash Loren Show.
A Transgender Woman, Meaning A Biological Male, who identifies as a woman, has allegedly exposed themselves to an underage girl inside a Planet Fitness woman's locker room. The Police had to be called and they were arrested. But Planet Fitness's reaction will shock you. Today on the Cash Loren Show.
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Saturday Apr 13, 2024

Biden's Newest foreign policy blunder is costing Israeli lives. And may drag us into World War 3. It wasn't that long ago we had world peace with Donald Trump. I'll take mean tweets over war. Iran defied Joe Bidens very strongly and whispered, "Don't," as he shuffled off to go find some ice cream. But what happens next? Could we be dragged into WW3? Today on the Cash Loren Show.
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Saturday Apr 13, 2024

Greetings Truth Seekers, Conversationalists, The Deplorables, And The Extreme Maga Republican
Dexter Reed was shot by the police. If you read the mainstream media that would be all you would know. But again, the fake news is lying to you to push a false narrative. They lie by omitting important facts that they know will lead to you forming your own opinion. For example, Dexter Reed shot first. He fired 11 shots, injuring a police officer before they returned fire. And that is just the beginning of what we uncovered.
Rashida Tliab, a squad member, is in hot water again. People in her district were chanting anti-Israel chants and "Death America." Yet she refuses to condemn them when confronted by Fox News. She instead goes to the left's favorite call in their playbook and immediately pretends she is a victim. Why is it so hard for her to condemn these anti-American chants of Death to America?
We love you, Mr. President, and excited Donald Trump Support blurts out when Trump makes a surprise visit to a Chic Fil A in Atlanta. Don't believe the Media; we love you. Donald Trump took time out of his day to visit a Chic Fil A, and what happened next the Mainstream Media doesn't want you to see. People love Donald Trump despite all of the left's attacks against him. Today on the Cash Loren Show.
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Wednesday Apr 10, 2024

Greetings independent thinkers, truth seekers, conversationalists, the deplorable, and the extreme maga republicans
Joe Biden receives more bad news in an election year. Inflation is out of control because of his reckless printing money policies. It's so bad that even the Mainstream Media is having a hard time covering for the sitting Democrat president. The deep state and the democrat propagandist in the mainstream media only have one option. Blame Trump. But Biden is the current president.
Companies like Uber and Lyft have had enough of woke democratic policies. Minneapolis City Council tried enforcing a minimum wage on the two companies and it went as well as you would expect. Both companies threatened to leave the city. Now the woke city council will likely have to eat crow and either completely reverse their law, or rewrite it. Everything the Democrats touch turns to ash.
Texas Congresswoman Jasmine Crockett Demands reparations for "black folk," her words, because of reasons. No one in the USA alive today was a slave. No one owned a slave. yet she wants black folk to be exempt from paying taxes and receive reparations. This is all based on the color of someone's skin because Democrats are racists.
When the radical left wants to justify something they know you won't agree with, they always talk in euphemisms. Kamala "Word Salad" Harris told a whopper the other day. She attempts to ridicule what she calls book bans. But she doesn't bother to mention what's in these books or who they are showing them to. Here is a hint, they are not appropriate for children.
Today on the Cash Loren Show.
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Tuesday Apr 09, 2024

Greetings Independent thinkers, truth seekers, conversationalists, the deplorables, and the extreme Maga Republicans
A woke activist accidentally makes the greatest Trump ad. She lists out 5 things Trump promises to do if he is reelected. Not realizing that most people will support Donald Trump's policies. We go through each step 
Sunny Hostin was shut down on the View the other day when she attempted to blame earthquakes and solar eclipses on climate change. It was so bad that even the cackling hens over on the view had to say, that's too far! But its a daily occurrence on the view to see who can make the dumbest statement and express their daily TDS.
A UN Ambassador took time out of her day to blame white men for Climate Change. Specifically blaming white men, how does she come to this conclusion? No Idea. But we must protect marginalized and indigenous people; how? Why? No idea, but according to her, they are victims of the evil white men's capitalism. Today we will pay a short clip and discuss her openly racist rant on the Cash Loren Show.
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Monday Apr 08, 2024

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Greetings, Independent thinkers, Truth Seekers, Conversationalists, Deplorables, and Extreme Maga Republicans; Donald Trump released a statement on his stance covering abortion. His statement would seem like common sense to most. Life is precious but we have some political realities. His solution is also common sense. But not to the left as they Meltdown again because the left wants to murder babies all the way up to birth. We are going to play a clip from his statement and discuss it
Less than a month ago, Joe Biden was propped up by Barack Obama and Bill Clinton to raise a record 25 million dollars in a single night. Trump shattered that record by raising 50.5 million in a single night! Now the Democrats are furious. No matter what they do they can not take Trump out. In fact, he is becoming more and more popular. In this episode, we look at the finances of the Republican campaign.
Elon Musk continues to put his money where his mouth is protecting freedom of speech. A supreme court judge in Brazil is attempting to force X to turn over user data and censor accounts that they believe are harmful. Some of the most 1984 Orwellian stuff I have ever read. Elon Musk has refused and is willing to lose money and the Brazilian market to protect our right to speak our minds. And when I say our rights, yes, I mean the USA. Without Musk, the same thing would be happening here; in fact, it was happening here until Musk purchased Twitter. Today on The Cash Loren Show
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Friday Apr 05, 2024

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Greetings, Independent thinkers, Truth Seekers, Conversationalist, Deplorables, and Extreme Maga republicans,
Is Republican House Speaker Mike Johnson Being Blackmailed? MTG, Marjorie Taylor Greene was interviewed on Tucker Carlson recently and you may be shocked by what she has to say. Johnson claims to be a Christian conservative, yet he has done everything in his power to undermine Republicans and help Democrats push their radical agenda through Congress. The question is, why? We are going to play clips from that interview today and discuss it on The Cash Loren Show
We have a heartbreaking tale. One strait out a George Orwell novel. The Federal Government has decided to throw the "praying grandma" from J6 in prison. What is her crime? Praying In the US Capitol for 10 minutes. This is the same government that quickly releases violent felons and refuses to prosecute BLM and Antifa rioters.
Trump lands another big win even with the deck stacked against him. Ever since Trump announced his intent to run for president in 2015 the uniparty, Democrats, and Fake News have lost their minds. Now the Biden regime is trying to throw their top political opponent in prison and bankrupt him at the same time. But so far, they have failed as Trump successfully fired Ronna McDaniel from the RNC and now set a record breaking month in fundraising. Today on The Cash Loren Show
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Wednesday Apr 03, 2024

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Joe Ried goes off on TikTok with a cryptic racist rant. That was insane even for her. Join A Conservative Conversation
Jill Biden has A meltdown on CBS after they point out a WSJ poll that shows Donald Trump winning in virtually every swing state. "No, He's not losing." She screams! That's a bald-faced lie, he is. And the Democrat propagandists in the mainstream media don't know what to do
Former ESPN anchor Sage Steele reveals a shocking truth. That every word of her Joe Biden Interview was scripted by her higher-ups. And she was not allowed to ask any followup questions. She was the one in front of the camera, but it was not her words. How often are the Joe Biden interviews scripted for him? The Democrat Propagandist in the fake news network already throw him soft ball questions. but they also script every single word by committee?
"Democrats spar over registration as worries over young and minority voters grow," writes the Washington Post. They go on to describe groups allied with the Democrat Party as "nonpartisan." You can't make this crap up. The mainstream media is dying for reasons unknown. They are worried that these very expensive efforts to register voters could hurt Democrats as more and more are voting for Trump.
Today on the Cash Loren Show.
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Saturday Mar 30, 2024

Joe Biden and Donald Trump were both in New York yesterday but for very different reasons. Joe Biden hosted a 25 million dollar fundraiser with Barack Obama and Bill Clinton. Donald Trump attended the wake for slain NY police officer Jonathan Diller. Jonathan was viciously gunned down by two career criminals who should have been locked up during a routine traffic stop. The criminal who murdered him had been arrested 21 times, including 9 felonies. Yet these Soros DA, and Democrat politicians keep letting them out of prison to commit more crimes. The difference in the campaigns and political parties couldn't be any more plain. One serves the rich donor Elites. And the other the American people.
New York has a crime problem. Turns out that when Democrats refuse to lock up criminals, they commit more crimes. Shocking I know. Democrats, though, insist on releasing criminals over and over all in the name of equity. What can be done? Turns out the take more of your rights away. This time they want to install gun detection technology instead of locking up the criminals in the first place. All in the name of safety and equity. Today on the Cash Loren Show
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Thursday Mar 28, 2024

Race Hustling Joy Reid has the Baltimore mayor on her show who threatens white people live on air. "They should be afraid." He compares DIE to the new "N" word. Continuing the left's racist grift. Is racism ever ok? We discussed that subject today and what he should have said on the Cash Loren Show.
Sunny Hostin and the view are triggered again. This time, because their guest Coleman Hughes refuses to take their bait and blames racism for everything. This might sound good at first glance, but he may be advocating for the problem of class, not race. In other words, he may be arguing for Marxist communism. Not American exceptionalism. We will play several clips from the interview and discuss them today on the Cash Loren Show. Join A Conservative Conversation
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